Archives for posts with tag: funny

Dig dig 3


After much too long a break…

Dig Dig 2 done


So the girls read a couple of books this week both basically with this kind of story…


Once there was a little girl named Mitzy.  She told her grandma that she wanted to be an astronaut and her grandma said, “You’ll never be an astronaut, they won’t let girls in space.”  Mitzy was sad so she told her mom and her mom said, “You’ll never be an astronaut because you’re not smart enough.”  Mitzy started to cry and told her dad how she wanted to be an astronaut, he said, “Yeah right and I want to be a tight-rope walker.”  Mitzy decided that all of those people were awful and you know what,  she became an astronaut.

I just made up the Mitzy story but seriously why are there picture books where a kid’s parents tell them they aren’t worth anything?  Maybe the mean kid down the street could tell her that she’ll never be an astronaut but come on let the mom believe in her.

In related news Mabel told me she wants to be a Doctor when she grows up.  I told her that she’ll never amount to anything (just kidding but she is only 8 months old I’m not sure its time for her to pick a career yet).

worm copy
The Wise Worm
The early bird is supposed to get the worm, so worms usually sleep in
Around 11 or 12 a worm might poke out his head, then go back in the dirt again
Really it is late afternoon when the wise worm starts his day
He looks up in the sky and thinks, “No birds so I’m okay.”
The rest of the afternoon is spent eating dirt or digging through a garden
Then the worm checks his watch for when his favorite TV show will begin
The wise worm stays up watching TV until really late into the night
because he cannot get up early, staying up late is alright
So if you want to be like the wise worm stay up late and watch TV
But who wants to be like a worm (even a wise one)? Certainly not me

The triplets have continued to read excessively and all enjoyed some Frog and Toad today (the one with the kite is probably the best story).  But they wanted to do something a little bit different and review their favorite songs.  So it will consist of two categories recorded music and music sung to them.

Recorded Music – they mostly listen to music during bathtime.  they don’t need to get wound up during bathtime.

Elsie’s favorite = Colors and the Kids by Cat Power – Elsie’s review – “I didn’t know it was by a band called Cat Power.”

Mabel’s favorite = Song for Zula by Phosphorescent – Mabel’s review – “Phosphorescent’s says ‘to be acknowledged by some touch from his gnarled hands’ in his song and the Beast says ‘she didn’t shutter when I touched her with my paw’ in his song.  I like both songs.”


Honeybear’s favorite = Lost Cause by Beck – Honeybear’s review – “I think we can all agree that ‘Loser’ was an anthem for a whole generation but did anyone think that the ‘Loser’ guy could produce real music without using Spanish.   Fortunately for all of us he did.”

Sung Songs – These are songs that I actually sing to them.  Realistically they probably all prefer a song that their mom sings.

Elsie – She’s Real! a cover by Built to Spill – Elsie’s review, “This would be even better if daddy knew all the words.”


Honeybear – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by the Flaming Lips – Honeybear’s review, “I do like the song but I have to admit that I really probably just like it because daddy substitutes my name for Yoshimi’s.  Maybe I learn Karate one of these days.”

Mabel – Tender by Blur – Mabel’s review, “If I’m freaking out and I mean really freaking out.  Singing this song is the only thing that really works.”

Editors note:  Yes, the girls are only 7 months old.  Yes they don’t have too much of a choice as to what to listen to.  Yes, I hope they develop a good taste in music that doesn’t involve Justin bieber but I’d be okay if it involved Justin Timberlake that guy has some real dance moves.

Derek and the Gator (PPP)

Another picture in our ongoing poetry project. I drew the picture but my wife took the picture in the background.

Derek and the Gator

Sometimes it can be quite strange
when meeting an alligator on the beach
its hard to know exactly what to say
or what conclusion the meeting will reach
Will the gator attempt to be friends
or are his goals something far more suspect
is the gator putting his hand out to be kind
or is he just getting close so he can bite your neck

All I can say is Derek maybe you should have gone to the mountains instead
You may end up with a new friend or you may end up without your head


Ferocious Sketch

Don’t worry the baby is in no danger. But maybe you are.